
We, McHugh Property Holdings Limited, intend to apply to Galway City Council for permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development on a site located to the west of the Coolough Road (L-1005) in the townland of Coolagh (also known as Coolough), Co. Galway, in addition to road improvement works located on the Dyke Road (L-1004) located in the townland of Terryland, Co. Galway.

The proposed development will consist of the following:

1. Demolition of 2 no. existing dwellings and ancillary structures located centrally within the site (totalling 636.92 sqm) and demolition of the partial building ruins located in the southeastern portion of the site.

2. Construction of a student accommodation scheme, comprising 84 no. apartments with 586 no. bedspaces arranged as (i) 1 unit of 4 ensuite bedrooms, (ii) 8 units of 5 ensuite bedrooms, (iii) 6 units of 6 ensuite bedrooms, (iv) 46 units of 7 ensuite bedrooms and (v) 23 units of 8 ensuite bedrooms with communal living space in each unit.

3. The proposed accommodation scheme is arranged in 7 no. blocks which vary in height from part 2 storey/3 storey building to 4 storeys with a 5th storey set back on Block D.

4. Provision of communal facilities on the ground floor of Block A including a retail space measuring 77 sqm and a café measuring 81.7 sqm, with associated signage.

5. Provision of communal open space and outdoor recreational areas, internal and external (visitor) bicycle parking, refuse storage, car parking, public lighting, wayfinding signage and photovoltaic panels on Block C.

6. The provision of hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatments including an elevated mesh walkway (82 meters) and a bridge spanning the limestone pavement in the northwestern portion of the site.

7. Provision of vehicular entrance and 2 no. pedestrian/cyclist entrances from the Coolough Road and the provision of a toucan pedestrian crossing on the Coolough Road.

8. Road improvement works along the Dyke Road (L-1004) which allows for enhanced pedestrian and cyclist connectivity between the development site and the University of Galway.

9. The proposed scheme will be utilised for short-term visitor letting during the summer months.

10. Provision of all associated surface water, watermain and foul water drainage services and connections (including nature-based drainage solutions), ESB substation and all associated site works and ancillary services necessary to facilitate the proposed development.

The application contains a statement setting out how the proposal is consistent with the objectives of the Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029.

A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.